Selected talks
- Practical Algorithms for Multi-Player Bandits. Invited talk at the Allerton Conference. University of Illinois, USA. September 2019.
- Practical Algorithms for Multi-Player Bandits. MAPLE workshop (Markets, Algorithms, Prediction and Learning), Milan, Italy. September 2019.
- Conference Plénière au GRETSI 2019, Lille, France. Quelques outils statistiques pour la prise de décision séquentielle. August 2019.
- Reinforcement Learning Summer School in Lille, July 2019.
- Statistics seminar, University of Leiden, May 2019. Generalized Likelihood Ratios Tests applied to Sequential Decision Making.
- AAAI workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Games, Honolulu, January 2019. Beyond Classical Bandit Tools for Monte-Carlo Tree Search.
- Workshop on Optimization and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, Simons Institute, Berkeley, September 2016. Revising the Exploration-Exploitation tradeoff in Bandit Models.
- Journées MAS 2016, Grenoble , August 2016. Stratégies bayésiennes et fréquentistes dans un modèle de bandit.
- GDR ISIS, Paris, June 2016.A novel spectral algorithm for the identification of
overlapping communities in networks.
- SMF 2016: 1er Congrès de la Société Mathématique de France, Tours, June 2016.
- GDR ISIS, Paris, June 2016. Two examples of discrete PAC optimization.
- Statslab Seminar, University of Cambridge, April 2016.
- RecSys FR Meetup, Rakuten Group, March 2016. New tools from the bandit literature to improve A/B Testing
- Workshop on Computational and Statistical Trade-offs in Learning , IHES, March 2016. Optimal Best Arm Identification with Fixed Confidence
- Seminar of the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, March 2016.
- Stor-i Multi-armed bandit workshop, Lancaster, January 2016. The information complexity of best-arm identification
- SIGMA seminar, Ecole Centrale de Lille, November 2015. On Bayesian algorithms for sequential resource allocation.
- Workshop on Sequential Learning and Applications, Toulouse, November 2015. On Bayesian index policies for sequential resource allocation.
- UW/MSR Workshop, Seattle, August 2015. On Bayesian index policies for sequential resource allocation.
- LINCS Seminar, Paris, June 2015.An adaptive spectral algorithm for the recovery of overlapping communities in networks.
- SMILE Seminar, Paris, June 2015.The information complexity of sequential resource allocation.
- Machine Learning Seminar, ENS Cachan, May 2015.
- Séminaire de l'équipe SAMM, Université Paris 1, March 2015.
- Séminaire de statistique appliquée, Université de Strasbourg, March 2015.
- Séminaire de probabilistés et statistiques du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille, February 2015.
- Journées YSP, IHP, January 2015. Une introduction à l'allocation séquentielle de ressources (tutorial in French).
- INRIA TAO Seminar, Saclay, January 2015.
- Séminaire de Statistiques et Imagerie, Université Paris-Dauphine, December 2014.
- INRIA SIERRA Seminar, Paris, December 2014.
- Paris Game Theory Seminar, Institut Henri Poincaré, November 2014.
- Probability and statistics seminar, Université d'Angers, October 2014. (slides)
- Junior Seminar, INRIA, October 2014. Optimal algorithms for sequential resource allocation.
- Journées MAS, Toulouse, August 2014. Two optimization problems in a stochastic bandit model.
- Statistics seminar of Université Paris Sud, Orsay, May 2014. Bayesian and Frequentist Methods in Bandit Models.
- Bayes In Paris seminar, ENSAE, October 2013. (slides)
- 5èmes Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, Aussois, August 2013. (slides)
- Wilks Seminar, Princeton University, May 2013. Bayesian and Frequentist methods for bandit models .
- SMILE Seminar, November 2012. Un point de vue bayésien pour des algorithmes de bandit plus performants .
- Workshop 'New Chalenges in Exploration and Exploitation', ICML 2012. On Bayesian bandit algorithms.